Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Campaña Anual de Juguetes de la Oficina del Jefe de Policía del Condado de Broward
La Oficina del Jefe de Policía del Condado de Broward ha estado repartiendo alegría en estos días festivos, y Lipton Toyota estaba allí para echar una mano!
Si has visitado nuestro taller de servicio en el mes de diciembre, o si has pasado por nuestra sala de exposición de autos nuevos, de pronto te habrás dado cuenta de un par de camionetas nuevas, marca Toyota Tundra llenas de regalos nuevos donados para la campaña anual de juguetes. Lipton Toyota fue uno de los lugares oficiales de donación para la Campaña Anual de Juguetes del Consejo Asesor del Jefe de Policía del Condado de Broward y de la Oficina del Jefe de Policía del Condado de Broward.
Lipton Toyota se juntó con Sheriff Scott Israel (el Jefe de Policía del Condado de Broward) en Boyd H. Anderson High School en Lauderdale Lakes donde los aydantes de Santa donaron miles de juguetes a niños y niñas de todas las edades.
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Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel |
Lipton Toyota quiere agradecer a todas las personas que tan gentilmente donaron un juguete sin envolver para el regalo anual de BSO (Oficina del Jefe de Policía del Condado de Broward). ¡Gracias por iluminar las fiestas para los niños necesitados!
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Steve Jensen, Director Principal de Lipton Toyota con Lt. Colonel E. Keith Neely y Capt. Ira Goldberg |
¡Gracias a todos los que donaron regalos y ayudaron a traerle sonrisas a los niños del Condado de Broward!
¡Una Celebridad Súper Famosa Visita a Lipton Toyota!
El vocalista de Aerosmith, Steven Tyler - Sí, lo has leído bien - el famoso juez de American Idol ¡visitó a LIPTON TOYOTA! Hemos tenido el increíble privilegio de pasar un rato con el cantante súper talentoso y megaestrella!
Guitarrista y compositor de Aerosmith, y residente de much tiempo del condado de Broward, Richie Supa también pasó un buen rato con nosotros en Lipton Toyota. ¡Inclusive tuvimos la suerte de disfrutar de una muestra de la grandeza de ambos mientras nos cantaron algunas notas!!!
¡Qué placer fue tener a Steven Tyler y su mejor amigo Richie Supa, junto con el jefe de policía del condado de Broward Sheriff Scott Israel y capitán de policía del condado de Broward Ira Goldberg disfrutando de un gran tiempo y compartiendo buenas risas... ¡y todo en Lipton Toyota!
GRACIAS a Steven Tyler, Richie Supa y el jefe de policía del condado de Broward Sheriff Scott Israel por asistir este magnífico evento de recaudación de fondos. También nos gustaría dar las gracias a Jamie McDonnell, empresario y propietario de la revista THINK por haber patrocinado, ¡y gracias a The Original DelVecchio Pizzeria Restaurante italiano por la deliciosa comida!
From right to left: Steve Jensen, Director Principal de Lipton Toyota y su esposa, Damaris Jensen, Jefe de policía del condado de Broward Sheriff Scott Israel y su esposa Susan Israel. |
Todas las contribuciones se hicieron a nombre de Citizens for Effective Law Enforcement (Ciudadanos por la Efectiva Ejecución de la Ley). Una guitarra firmada se subastó con éxito junto con algunas grandes cosas, todo beneficiando una caridad maravillosa.
De derecha a izquierda: Steve Jensen, Director Principal de Lipton Toyota, Steven Tyler, Damaris Jensen, Jefe de policía del condado de Broward Sheriff Scott Israel. |
También nos gustaría dar las gracias a un artista muy generoso, Joseph Gormley que donó su tiempo y talento he hizo una pintura en vivo de Steven Tyler. El cuadro firmado fue subastado por un precio considerable, todo beneficiando a Citizens for Effective Law Enforcement (Ciudadanos por la Efectiva Ejecución de la Ley).
Artista Joseph Gormley |
Steven Tyler PINTANDO al lado del artista, Joseph Gormley en Lipton Toyota! |
¿Cuantos concesionarios pueden decir que tuvieron a Steven Tyler de Aerosmith cantando, pintando y disfrutando de deliciosos cannolis en su lujoso Taller de la Toyota? ¡Sólo Lipton Toyota puede!
Monday, December 29, 2014
Toyota Goes Places Safely and Wins Awards for 2015!
Our family at Lipton Toyota is very proud, and excited to be a part of the Toyota brand! Not only do we have the best-selling car in America with the Toyota Camry, but the Toyota Sienna was the only minivan awarded the 2015 Top Safety Pick + designation by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).
We have a brand that is committed to the safety and peace of mind of our customers. For 2015, Toyota won more awards from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) than any other automaker. Toyota even won the most awards of the Institute’s highest honor. (source)
Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) highest rating — Top Safety Pick+ winners were, Prius, Prius v, Camry, Highlander and Sienna.
The next best designation — Top Safety Pick Toyota and Scion had several: Avalon, RAV4 (built after Nov. 2014), Scion FR-S, Scion tC.
The 2015 Toyota models also received ratings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). With 5 being the best, here are the NHTSA overall ratings:
• Sienna (5 stars)
• Camry (5 stars)
• RAV4 (4 stars)
• Tacoma Access Cab (4 stars)
• Tacoma Double Cab (4 stars)
• Tundra CrewMax (4 stars)
Friday, December 26, 2014
Broward Sheriff's Office Annual Holiday Toy Drive
Broward Sheriff's Office has been spreading their annual holiday cheer, and Lipton Toyota was there to lend a hand!
If you visited our beautifully decorated service department during the month of December, or if you passed by our festive new car showroom, you may have noticed a couple of brand new Toyota Tundras filled with donated unwrapped gifts for teens and tots. Lipton Toyota was an official drop-off location for Broward Sheriff's Advisory Council and Broward Sheriff's Office Annual Holiday Toy Drive.
Lipton Toyota joined Sheriff Scott Israel at Boyd H. Anderson High School in Lauderdale Lakes where Santa's helpers donated thousands of toys to boys and girls of all ages.
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Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel |
Lipton Toyota would like to THANK everyone who so graciously donated an unwrapped toy for BSO's annual giveaway. Thank you for brightening the holidays for needy kids!
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Steve Jensen, Dealer Principal at Lipton Toyota with Lt. Colonel E. Keith Neely and Capt. Ira Goldberg |
Thank you to all who donated gifts and helped bring smiles to the children of Broward County!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Happy Holidays From Our Family At Lipton Toyota!
Our family at Lipton Toyota would like to wish you and your loved ones much joy and happiness this holiday season, and all year long.
This year, we celebrated our 25th anniversary as your local family-owned Toyota dealership. We are truly honored to have brought to so many, and for so many years, the joy of new car ownership. Thank you for sharing all these years with us, and for being a most valuable part of our Lipton Toyota family. We are honored for the opportunity to continue to serve all of you in the wonderful community of Broward County. On this joyous day, and throughout the coming year, we wish you safe and happy holidays filled with fun, long-lasting memories.
May your life be filled with health, peace and prosperity, and may each new day bring you moments to cherish.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Super-Famous Celebrity Visits Lipton Toyota!
Aerosmith front-man and lead singer, Steven Tyler — yep, you read that right — the famous American Idol judge visited LIPTON TOYOTA! We had the amazing privilege of hanging out with the uber-talented singer and megastar!
Aerosmith guitarist and songwriter, and long-time resident of Broward County, Richie Supa also hung-out with us at Lipton Toyota. We were even fortunate enough to enjoy a sample of their GREATNESS while they sang a few notes!!!
What a wonderful treat it was to have Steven Tyler and best-friend Richie Supa, along with Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and Captain Ira Goldberg having a great time and sharing good laughs... all at Lipton Toyota!
A great BIG THANK YOU to Steven Tyler, Richie Supa and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for attending this terrific fundraising event. We would also like to thank Jamie McDonnell, entrepreneur and owner of THINK Magazine for hosting, and thanks to The Original DelVecchio's Pizzeria Italian Restaurant for the delicious food!
From right to left: Steve Jensen, Dealer Principal at Lipton Toyota and his wife, Damaris Jensen, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel with his wife Susan Israel. |
All contributions were made payable to Citizens for Effective Law Enforcement. A cool signed guitar was successfully auctioned off along with some really great stuff, all benefiting a wonderful charity.
From right to left: Steve Jensen, Dealer Principal at Lipton Toyota, Steven Tyler, Damaris Jensen, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. |
We would also like to thank a very generous artist, Joseph Gormley who donated his time and talent for a live painting of Steven Tyler. The signed painting was auctioned off for a hefty price, all benefiting Citizens for Effective Law Enforcement.
Artist Joseph Gormley |
Steven Tyler PAINTING along with artist, Joseph Gormley at Lipton Toyota! |
How many automobile dealerships can say they had Steven Tyler of Aerosmith sing, paint and enjoy delicious cannolis at their state-of-the-art Toyota Service Department!? Only Lipton Toyota can!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
¡Toyotathon está encendido, y los ahorros también!
¡Toyotathon está encendido, y los ahorros también!
¡No se pierda el evento más grande de todo el año!
¿Estás listo para convertirte en el centro de atención? Ven a visitar nuestra sala de exposición de lujo, recién decorada de adornos navideños, y celebra estos días festivos con nuestra familia en Lipton Toyota.
Programa una prueba de manejo de cualquiera de nuestros vehículos del 2015, y maneja a casa la alegría de un Toyota de nuevo modelo. Lleva a casa el regalo de confiabilidad, eficiencia, comodidad y lujo. Y durante el evento de ventas más grande de todo el año, estamos haciendo las cosas aún más asequibles. Los compradores calificados obtendran 0% APR durante Toyotathon en ciertos vehículos. La oferta termina el 05 de enero de 2015. Te mereces lo mejor en estas fiestas, y eso es lo que ofrece la marca Lipton Toyota.
¡Toyotathon está ocurriendo ahora!
Haz clic para ver nuestro inventario de vehículos nuevos: INVENTORY
¡Esperamos tu visita!
(800) 583-8149
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Toyotathon is on, and so are the SAVINGS!
Toyotathon is on, and so are the SAVINGS!
Don’t miss the biggest sales event of the year!
Are you ready to become the center of attention? Come and visit our newly decorated-for-the-holidays luxurious showroom, and celebrate the holiday season with our family at Lipton Toyota!
Test drive any one of our 2015 Toyota vehicles, and bring home the joy of a brand new Toyota. Drive home the gift of reliability, efficiency, comfort and luxury. And with our biggest sales event of the year by far, we're making things even more affordable. Qualified buyers get 0% APR during Toyotathon on select vehicles. Sale ends January 5th, 2015. You deserve the very best this Holiday Season, and that's what the Lipton Toyota brand offers.
Toyotathon is happening now!
Click to view our new vehicle inventory: INVENTORY
We're looking forward to your visit!
(800) 583-8149
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias de La Familia Lipton Toyota!
¡Nos gustaría tomar un momento para agradecer a todos nuestros clientes maravillosos! ¡Gracias por ser una parte valiosa de nuestra FAMILIA de Lipton Toyota!
¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias de La Familia Lipton Toyota!
Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que Lipton Toyota es un lugar oficial de donaciones para la colecta de juguetes anual de del Jefe de Policía del Condado de Broward. Cada año, los ayudantes de Santa donan miles de juguetes a niños y niñas de todas las edades durante el evento anual de juguetes del Jefe de Policía del Condado de Broward. Este año, necesitamos tu ayuda para llenar Toyota Tundras con un montón de juguetes para los adolescentes, preadolescentes y los bebés! Juguetes serán recogidos desde ahora hasta el 22 de diciembre.
¡Dona un regalo nuevo, sin envolver y ayúdanos a traer sonrisas a los niños del condado de Broward estos días festivos!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Lipton Toyota Family!
We would like to take a moment and thank all of our wonderful customers! Thank you for being a valuable part of our Lipton Toyota FAMILY!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Lipton Toyota Family!
We are proud to announce that Lipton Toyota is an official TOY DROP-OFF location for Broward Sheriff’s Office annual toy drive. Every year, Santa's helpers donate thousands of toys to boys and girls of all ages during BSO's annual holiday toy giveaway. This year, we need your help in filling Toyota Tundras with lots of toys for teens, tweens and tots! Toys will be collected now thru December 22nd.
Donate a new, unwrapped gift and help us bring smiles to the children of Broward county this holiday season!
Black Friday, Our Biggest Sale EVER!
If you thought our offers were good during our October sale, wait until
you see what we have to offer during our “BLACK
FRIDAY SALE!” Going on now through
December 7th -
8:30 am - Midnight! During this event we will have over 1000 new
2014 and 2015 Toyotas offered at extraordinary prices and payments. Plus we
are offering up to 30% OFF MSRP† on all new Toyotas in
stock, and you may qualify for Zero money down, Zero percent financing, and No payments
until June 2015.††
Lease Termination
Center: Lipton Toyota may be able to waive your
remaining lease payments, pay for any excess wear and tear, and pay for any
excess mileage.* We may be
able to get you out of your current lease and into a new Toyota for LESS
than or equal to your current payment.
So, if
you are in the market for a new or pre-owned vehicle, join us during this
event, you may be driving home this weekend in a new Lipton Toyota.
We Make It Simple: Mention this blog post at the dealership this weekend. Browse our
inventory of New, Certified and pre-owned
vehicles. Drive home in a new vehicle.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Vayamos Juntos Con Toyota Latino en el Sur de la Florida
Toyota Latino dio inicio al 44º Anual Auto Show Internacional de Miami del fin de semana con un evento el Viernes, 7 de Noviembre 2014 en el Centro Mundial 'New World Center' en Miami Beach. El evento, organizado por Hispanic Business Strategy Group de Toyota y Toyota Sudeste, presentó el Camry 2015 LES y un Camry híbrido 2014, y destacó emocionantes características audaces de los vehículos.
¿Qué mejor lugar para celebrar este evento que bajo el hermoso cielo de Miami?
"Es un gran placer para nosotros organizar esta recepción y tomamos parte en el Auto Show de Miami, donde hemos tenido la oportunidad de poner de relieve el 2015 Camry y hablar con nuestros huéspedes maravillosos y los medios de comunicación acerca de todas las grandes iniciativas que el Hispanic Business Strategy Group está llevando a cabo para mantener a Toyota como el fabricante de automoción número uno de preferencia entre los latinos por más de una década," dijo Patricia Salas Pineda, vicepresidente del grupo de HBSG, Toyota Motor North America.
¡Esperamos muchas más celebraciones de Toyota Latino llenas de diversión en los próximos Miami Auto Shows! ¡Vayamos Juntos Con Lipton Toyota en el sur de la Florida!
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¿Qué mejor lugar para celebrar este evento que bajo el hermoso cielo de Miami?
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Steve Jensen, Director Principal de Lipton Toyota 2º de la izquierda y su esposa, Damaris Jensen 2ª de la derecha con Glenn Rizzo de Toyota Sudeste al final a la derecha. |
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Steve Jensen, Director Principal de Lipton Toyota al final a la derecha, Patricia Salas Pineda 2ª de la derecha con Damaris Jensen 3ª de la derecha. |
¡Esperamos muchas más celebraciones de Toyota Latino llenas de diversión en los próximos Miami Auto Shows! ¡Vayamos Juntos Con Lipton Toyota en el sur de la Florida!
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Monday, November 17, 2014
Major Announcement: The Name of the 2016 Toyota Fuel Cell Vehicle
Akio Toyoda, President and CEO of Toyota Motor Corporation has announced the name of Toyota’s new fuel cell vehicle.
Here's a the transcript of AKIO TOYODA’S ANNOUNCEMENT:
Today, we are at a turning point in automotive history.
A turning point where people will embrace a new, environmentally-friendly car that is a pleasure to drive.
A turning point where a four-door sedan can travel 300 miles on a single tank of hydrogen, can be refueled in under five minutes and emit only water vapor.
A turning point that represents many years and countless hours of work by our team to create a car that redefines the industry.
All of us at Toyota believe in a future that will be safer, greener and easier for everyone.
We imagined a world filled with vehicles that would diminish our dependence on oil and reduce harm to the environment.
It was a bold, but inspiring goal. And, today it is a reality.
Our fuel cell vehicle runs on hydrogen that can be made from virtually anything, even garbage!
It has a fuel cell that creates enough electricity to power a house for about a week.
This is a car that lets you have it all with no compromises.
As a test driver, I knew this new fuel cell vehicle had to be truly fun to drive – and believe me, it is. It has a low center of gravity, which gives it very dynamic handling.
After surviving millions of miles on the test track and 10 years of testing on public roads in freezing cold and scorching heat…
After passing extensive crash tests…
And after working with local governments and researchers around the world to help make sure it is easy and convenient to refuel…
We are ready to deliver.
The name we’ve given to our new car is Mirai, which in Japanese means “future.”
We believe that behind the wheel of the Mirai, we can go places we have never been, to a world that is better, in a car that is better.
For us, this isn’t just another car. This is an opportunity – an opportunity to really make a difference. And making a difference is what Toyota is all about.
The future has arrived. And it’s called Mirai...
Meet the new Toyota Mirai
Here's a the transcript of AKIO TOYODA’S ANNOUNCEMENT:
Today, we are at a turning point in automotive history.
A turning point where people will embrace a new, environmentally-friendly car that is a pleasure to drive.
A turning point where a four-door sedan can travel 300 miles on a single tank of hydrogen, can be refueled in under five minutes and emit only water vapor.
A turning point that represents many years and countless hours of work by our team to create a car that redefines the industry.
All of us at Toyota believe in a future that will be safer, greener and easier for everyone.
We imagined a world filled with vehicles that would diminish our dependence on oil and reduce harm to the environment.
It was a bold, but inspiring goal. And, today it is a reality.
Our fuel cell vehicle runs on hydrogen that can be made from virtually anything, even garbage!
It has a fuel cell that creates enough electricity to power a house for about a week.
This is a car that lets you have it all with no compromises.
As a test driver, I knew this new fuel cell vehicle had to be truly fun to drive – and believe me, it is. It has a low center of gravity, which gives it very dynamic handling.
After surviving millions of miles on the test track and 10 years of testing on public roads in freezing cold and scorching heat…
After passing extensive crash tests…
And after working with local governments and researchers around the world to help make sure it is easy and convenient to refuel…
We are ready to deliver.
The name we’ve given to our new car is Mirai, which in Japanese means “future.”
We believe that behind the wheel of the Mirai, we can go places we have never been, to a world that is better, in a car that is better.
For us, this isn’t just another car. This is an opportunity – an opportunity to really make a difference. And making a difference is what Toyota is all about.
The future has arrived. And it’s called Mirai...
Thursday, November 13, 2014
"Vayamos Juntos" With Toyota Latino in South Florida
Toyota Latino kicked off the 44th Annual International Miami Auto Show weekend with an event on Friday, November 7th, 2014 at the New World Center in Miami Beach. The event, hosted by Toyota's Hispanic Business Strategy Group and Southeast Toyota, showcased the 2015 Camry SLE and a 2014 Camry hybrid, and highlighted the vehicles’ exciting Bold features.
What better place to hold this event than under the gorgeous Miami sky?
“It’s a great pleasure for us to host this reception and take part in the Miami Auto Show, where we’ve had the opportunity to highlight the 2015 Camry and talk to our wonderful guests and the media about all the great initiatives that the Hispanic Business Strategy Group is undertaking to keep Toyota as the number one automotive manufacturer of choice among Latinos for over a decade,” said Patricia Salas Pineda, HBSG's Group Vice President, Toyota Motor North America.
We look forward to many more fun-filled Toyota Latino celebrations in upcoming Miami Auto Shows! Vayamos Juntos With Lipton Toyota in South Florida!
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Yes, that is Steve Jensen, Dealer Principal at Lipton Toyota on the far right! His wife, Damaris Jensen is 3rd from the right holding the BOLD and BRAVE sign! CAMRY BOLD and CAMRY FUN!! |
What better place to hold this event than under the gorgeous Miami sky?
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Steve Jensen, Dealer Principal at Lipton Toyota 2nd from the left and his wife, Damaris Jensen 2nd from the right with Glenn Rizzo of Southeast Toyota on the far right. |
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Steve Jensen, Dealer Principal at Lipton Toyota on the far right, Patricia Salas Pineda 2nd from the right and Damaris Jensen 3rd from the right. |
We look forward to many more fun-filled Toyota Latino celebrations in upcoming Miami Auto Shows! Vayamos Juntos With Lipton Toyota in South Florida!
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Veterans Day, Honoring All Who Served
On behalf of the entire Lipton Toyota family, we would like to say, THANK YOU to all those brave men and women who have served our great nation!
Thank you for serving our country and protecting our freedoms!
Monday, November 3, 2014
¡Ven a Darle Una Prueba de Manejo al 2015 Camry en Lipton Toyota!
Cuando tienes un ganador probado como el Toyota Camry, ¿por qué cambiarlo? Debido a que nuestros clientes esperan más, y queremos darle más!
¡El carro favorito de los Estados Unidos se ha vuelto aún mejor! La obra y la atención al detalle son evidentes por dentro y por fuera.
La parte de adelante es pura actitud, con una nueva cubierta del parachoques y una parrilla prominente. Más brillantes, mejor en clase LED, faros bajos y luces altas cuentan con cubiertas elegantes, y la pista más ancha, le dan al 2015 Camry una postura más atlética. Llantas de aleación de 18 pulgadas y una suspensión mejorada hacen de este el Camry más deportivo.
El Camry 2015 ha añadido la electrónica de alto vuelo, y una pantalla de información múltiple de 4.2 pulgadas, situado en el tablero de instrumentos, ayuda a mantener la atención del conductor en la carretera. ¡El Camry 2015 ofrece incluso un sistema de carga inalámbrica para tu teléfono! ¡Ven a darle una prueba de manejo al 2015 Camry ahora disponible en Lipton Toyota!
¡Estaremos esperando tu visita!
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El Nuevo y Audaz Camry |
¡El carro favorito de los Estados Unidos se ha vuelto aún mejor! La obra y la atención al detalle son evidentes por dentro y por fuera.
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El Nuevo y Audaz Camry |
La parte de adelante es pura actitud, con una nueva cubierta del parachoques y una parrilla prominente. Más brillantes, mejor en clase LED, faros bajos y luces altas cuentan con cubiertas elegantes, y la pista más ancha, le dan al 2015 Camry una postura más atlética. Llantas de aleación de 18 pulgadas y una suspensión mejorada hacen de este el Camry más deportivo.
El Camry 2015 ha añadido la electrónica de alto vuelo, y una pantalla de información múltiple de 4.2 pulgadas, situado en el tablero de instrumentos, ayuda a mantener la atención del conductor en la carretera. ¡El Camry 2015 ofrece incluso un sistema de carga inalámbrica para tu teléfono! ¡Ven a darle una prueba de manejo al 2015 Camry ahora disponible en Lipton Toyota!
¡Estaremos esperando tu visita!
(855) 211-1122
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